[Before I get much further, let me get something off of my chest: Most articles about club shafts misuse the term “torque”. Torque is a force input—the moment of a force acting perpendicular to an axis—but it seems as if every article I read uses the term to denote a shaft’s reaction to that force, e.g., referring to a “low-torque” shaft; instead of the force itself. In this usage a “low torque” shaft is one with high torsional stiffness; that is, a high resistance to twisting.]
The ball and club face are in contact for such a short period—contact time is measured in milliseconds—that there simply is not enough time for the shaft to react to impact forces and significantly affect the interaction between club and the ball[i]. However, the forces acting on the club head during the swing have plenty of time to affect the shaft, which in turn affects the orientation of the club face—and that’s where the physical properties of the shaft come into play.
The downswing is initiated when the golfer accelerates the grip end of the club. The higher the acceleration—that is, the more quickly the golfer gets the club up to speed—the greater the force acting on the club head, at least in the initial portion of the swing. [If you remember anything from Freshman Physics, it should be F=MA (Force = Mass × Acceleration).]
CAUTIONActual science/engineering content follows. Marketing/sales personnel may feel free to look away, or skip entirely.
This is how it works: The centrifugal force generated as the club is swung acts through the perpendicular distance between the center of mass of the club head and the line of the shaft—the moment arm—to produce a twisting force, or moment, which bends the shaft forward, increasing the loft of the club face. The point in the shaft at which it begins to flex under the influence of the swing-induced moment (frequently manipulated by changing material and/or thickness) is the kick point.
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Centrifugal force acting on the center of mass of the club head produces a twisting moment that can increase the loft of the club face. |
There are three club-related factors that affect ball flight—swing speed, swing path, and club face orientation—and since swing speed also affects the orientation of the club face by way of the deformation that it induces in the club shaft, it is doubly important when analyzing the swing.
Shaft weight and the overall balance of the club (“swing weight”) have some effect on swing speed, but the overall stiffness of the shaft and the location of the transition, or kick point (if there is one), are the most important characteristics of the shaft when it comes to affecting club head position at impact.
As mentioned above, the shaft’s response to swing speed—that is, the amount of “kick”—is dependent upon the overall stiffness of the shaft, the location of the kick point, and the magnitude of the force acting on the shaft. The magnitude of the centrifugal force is determined by swing speed and the length of the moment arm, M, which is determined by the location of the club head’s CG, or center of mass. Now do you get what I said about a can of worms?
A look back through that shopping list of factors which determine how the shaft affects club face orientation at impact can set your head spinning when you consider the variability of those factors— and perhaps the most variable of them all is the swing.
A good club-fitter, with the right data-gathering technology and a wide variety of shaft/club head combinations at their disposal, will be able to sort through the variables and put any golfer into the optimum combination of shaft and club head for their swing. But which swing are you being fit for? Your usual 9/10ths driver swing? The little poke you take to keep the ball in play on a narrow fairway? Or your all-out, swing-for-the-fences lash for those long carries or ego-tempting drivable par-4s? Is one shaft going to be satisfactory for the full range?
Because swing speed is so variable, and because the ripple-down effect of swing speed on flex-induced loft increase varies with swing speed, I think that reducing one area of variability in the swing—shaft flex—can go a long way toward producing consistent ball flight, and the best way to do that is to go with a stiff shaft.
I think that the real effect here is actually a sort of back-formation; that is, since lower swing speeds produce less loft increase, these players can use a more flexible shaft without inducing a large increase in loft which would cause the ball to launch at a too-high angle. Also, shafts that are more flexible generally also have a softer “feel”, a purely subjective aspect of club performance that many players associate with improved touch and control.
Launch angle is the aspect of ball flight that is probably most affected, and most directly affected, by the kick point loft increase that we have been discussing—but launch angle can be controlled more consistently by ball placement relative to stance, and by teeing height. Set up with the ball more forward in the stance and/or teed up higher, and a higher launch angle results; moving the ball back in the stance and teeing it lower will do the reverse.
So why, when launch angle can be managed directly and more consistently by these two very controllable factors, would a player rely on the highly variable factor of kick-point loft increase to achieve the desired launch angle? Looking at the problem from that point of view, I have come to the conclusion that the best shaft for any given swing is the lightest shaft which is stiff enough to minimize shaft flex before impact.